
White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake

5:39 PM

Mmmm! White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake similar to the one served at Olive Garden but better! ; )  Before we get too far into this, just to let you know, making this may take half of your day and dirty every dish in your kitchen...twice. You'll need to have this cheesecake baked about 8 hours before you need it to ensure that it fully sets up.  Despite these inconveniences, it's so worth it!  Better than restaurant quality cheesecake from your own kitchen! Yum!

What You'll Need:
-3 8oz. packages of cream cheese (room temperature)
-1/2 cup white sugar
-2 eggs
-1 teaspoon vanilla extract
-2 cups Baker's white chocolate
-1/2 cup half & half cream
-2 cups chocolate cookie crumbs
-3 tablespoons white sugar
1/4 cup butter (melted)
-1 12oz. bag frozen raspberries
-2 tablespoons white sugar
-2 teaspoons cornstartch
-1/2 cup water

Chop white chocolate into small pieces (do not use white chocolate chips!! They will not melt correctly!). Place white chocolate bits into a double boiler with half & half cream, over medium heat. Stir occasionally until melted.  Once melted, remove from heat and let cool to lukewarm. While chocolate is melting, place a saucepan over medium heat.

Combine frozen raspberries, sugar, cornstarch and water in pan. Bring to a boil. Continue until sauce is thick and there are no berries left. Push sauce through a mesh strainer to remove the raspberry seeds (there will be lots of seeds!).  While chocolate is melting and berries are boiling, mix cookie crumbs, sugar and melted butter.  Wrap springform pan with aluminum foil half way up the sides.  Evenly press crumb mixture into the bottom of a 9" springform pan.  

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth.  Mix in eggs one at a time.  Scrape down bowl and continue mixing.  Add vanilla and melted white chocolate.  Mix well.  Pour half of cheesecake mixture over crust. Spoon a few tablespoons of raspberry sauce into mixture, swirl.  Pour in remaining cheesecake mixture, add a few more spoonfuls of raspberry sauce onto the top.  Swirl into a pretty design.  

Taking a large pan, place springform pan into it.  Fill large pan with water until it reaches a fourth of the way up the side of the aluminum foil on the sprngform pan. This is known as a water bath, it helps the cheesecake to not dry out and crack down the center as it bakes.  Bake for an hour to an hour and a half. It will still be just a little jiggly in the center.  If you let the top get brown, you've baked it for too long.  Allow to cool for about an hour, then place into refrigerator for about 8 hours before removing the pan. Slice and serve with raspberry sauce drizzled over the top!  Whew!

-xoxo L


Buffalo Chicken Pizza

5:08 PM

One of our favorite pizza restaurants serves a Buffalo Chicken pizza so I decided to try to make my own version at home.  My hubby and I eat lots of spicy food so we have a pretty high tolerance for heat, but this was a bit nuclear, tasty nonetheless though! I'll include some tips on how to cool it down. If you enjoy spicy food, this is for you!

What you'll need:
- 2 to 3 chicken breasts
- 1/2 bottle of Franks Red Hot Wings Sauce Buffalo
- 1 packet of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix
- A few stalks of celery (optional)
- 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
- 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
- 1/8 cup feta cheese
- 1 roll pizza dough or homemade
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Pour 1/2 bottle of Buffalo Wing Sauce into crock pot along with Ranch dressing mix. Mix well.  (if there's not enough sauce, add some milk, not more sauce!!) Place trimmed chicken breasts into sauce mix. Set crock pot on high and cook for 2 to 3 hours (or set on low and cook for 5 to 6 hours).  Dice celery. Shred cooked chicken breasts. Take pizza pan & coat with extra virgin olive oil (extra virgin olive oil is your best friend in the kitchen!).  Place dough onto pan, shape to fit pan and push up a crust edge. Flash bake crust for 5 minutes. Remove from oven and spoon A LITTLE sauce from your crock pot onto your crust, spread shredded chicken over the top, add cheeses and celery.  Bake for 10 to 15 minutes.  Serve with blue cheese or ranch dressing!

-xoxo L


Red Velvet Cake Cookies

6:52 AM

What could be better than cake and cookies? Cake cookies!
Oh yes, these cookies are delicious and incredibly simple!
I discovered these tasty treats while visiting my husbands parents.  His sister and mom had made some, so we gave them a try and it was love at first bite! I knew I had to make them for us asap and add some cream cheese icing too!  They've quickly become one of my favorite "cookies!"

What you'll need:
-1 boxed red velvet cake mix
-6 tablespoons melted butter
-2 eggs
-1/4 cup flour*

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Disregard cake mix instructions, combine cake mix, melted butter and eggs.  Mix well.  Grease cookie sheet.  At this point, you can either spoon them onto your cookie sheet
*or you can add in the flour to make a firmer dough.  I like mine to pull away from the sides of the mixing bowl and not be sticky to the touch.  Now pinch off 1 to 2 inch sized pieces and roll them between your hands to form a ball.  Place on cookie sheet, gently press down, (similar to how you'd treat a peanut butter cookie) They don't spread too much so you can fit a couple more onto your pan. Place in oven for about 8 to 10 minutes.  These bake FAST so keep a watch on them.  Just when you think they need a couple more minutes, it's time to take them out! Place on cooling rack.

You can either eat them like this or make a delicious Cream Cheese Frosting to go on top. Decorate accordingly and watch them disappear! These cookies are so simple and a huge hit!

xoxo L


Cream Cheese Frosting

6:48 AM

Cream Cheese Frosting is one of the most simple, delicious and versatile frosting's you can make! It's great on cupcakes, cakes, cookies and spoons! ;)

What you'll need:
-1 8oz block of cream cheese (room temperature)
-3 to 4 cups of confectioner's sugar
-1 teaspoon vanilla

Let cream cheese reach room temperature. Place in bowl of electric mixer. Sift in confectioner's sugar cup by cup. Cream together on medium speed. Add in vanilla, scrape down bowl, mix thoroughly until thick and fluffy. Add more sugar for thicker frosting.  Place in refrigerator for 30 minutes if using a piping bag, (this helps stiffen the frosting to better show the design you pipe) otherwise, ice cooled cakes or cookies and enjoy!  For more frosting, simply double or triple all ingredients.

*Sweet Tweet Tip: Oh no! Forgot to let cream cheese reach room temperature? No worries, simply place on your stove top surface, above your warm oven, while you bake. (obviously doesn't work if stove top and oven are seperate units.) The heat from your oven will warm the upper surface of your stove top where your cream cheese is, softening it much faster. Works for butter too!

xoxo L

About Me

11:51 AM

Hello & Welcome to my sweet blog, Confectionery Canary!

My name is Lindsey and I'm a 20 something girly girl who lives in the US but I left my heart in Canada.  I LOVE sweets, to eat them, to make them, to smell them! Yum! My diet consists of 70% sugar and 30% cheese/pasta/bread.  Healthy, I know...
If you follow this blog, you'll discover lots of sweet recipes along with some dinner and side dish recipes too. I love to be in the kitchen!  I'll attempt to cook most anything once, as long as it's not meat related.
Each time I attempt to make a new recipe or share an old recipe, I'll let you know how to make it and how it turned out for me!
Food is an adventure, both cooking it and eating it! So grab your bowl and a spatula and come along with me on this tasty adventure!

- xoxo L
Our gorgeous wedding cake!
(Bake Shoppe)

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